T’étais où quand Michael Jackson est Mort? (Where Were You When Michael Jackson Died?) by Jean-Baptiste Pouilloux, 2013 / prod Les Films Velvet - 12’
On the streets of Paris, Christmas 2009, a chance encounter between a man and a woman. Starring Denis Menochet (In the House and Just Before Losing Everything – SFFF 2013, Inglourious Basterds).
Shown with Not My Type
OPENING NIGHT Friday, June 20 - 8:30pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
Anaïs by Julie Benegmos, 2013 / 14’55”
One evening, Sophie spontaneously offers shelter to a woman sleeping in her building entrance. In the dead of the night, she can't sleep: what sort of madness drove her to welcome a stranger into her own house?
Shown with On My Way
Saturday, June 21 - 11:00am & Sunday, June 22 - 1:10pm
La Gagne by Patrice Deboosere, 2014 / prod Clair de Lune - 12'
In business as in life, competition is fierce. When a homeless man comes to the rescue of a young businessman, two worlds collide.
Shown with Age of Panic
Saturday, June 21 - 1:30pm & Sunday, June 22 - 8:15pm
Le Champ et le sage (The Field and the Knower) by JD Rudometkin, 2014 - 12'30"
An aggressive, armed man drags a boy (our very own Maxence Downs in his first role!), a young man, and an old man along behind him on a chain. All the while, a mysterious woman is approaching them on a white horse, bringing with her a strange redemption.
Shown with Queen Margot
Saturday, June 21 - 3:45pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
Office du Tourisme by Benjamin Biolay, 2014 / prod Mon Voisin Productions - 16'
Welcome to Paris, full of cranky neighbors, rude waiters, racist and homophobic taxi drivers... and romance. A musical ode to the best and worst of the French capital. Written, composed and directed by singer/actor Benjamin Biolay (who plays the taxi driver), a star in France!
Shown with Attila Marcel
Saturday, June 21 - 7:05pm & Sunday, June 22 - 3:40pm
Mille-Pattes et Crapaud (The Centipede and the Toad) by Anna Khmelevskaya, 2013 / prod Fargo - 10’ - ANIMATION
Deep within a forest, the centipede, flexible and graceful, is admired by all the insects. Only the old toad, haughty and jealous, hates the centipede. One day the old toad decides to get rid of the centipede.
Shown with Donkey Skin
Saturday, June 21 - 9:25pm & Sunday, June 22 - 11:00am
Ogre by Jean-charles Paugam, 2014 / prod: Offshore - 15'
A house on the beach. Inside, an overweight man remains confined, observing, behind his curtains, the young girls in their swim suits. He waits for the night.
Shown with Stranger by the Lake
Saturday, June 21 - 11:35pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
As It Used to Be by Clément Gonzalez, 2013 / prod: Collectif 109 - 8’13” (in English)
In the near future, a teacher holds class in an empty classroom using a webcam. Routine is disrupted when a student steps into the room.
Shown with Camille Claudel 1915
Sunday, June 22 - 6:00pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
Bamako Saint Afrique by Frédéric Jolfre 2013 / prod Qui Vive ! - 14’
Discover Bamako-Saint Afrique, the largest automobile race in the world, a race crossing the inhospitable land of France. For the first time, the Malian team has a chance to win...
Shown with 9-Month Stretch
Friday, June 27 - 6:15pm & Saturday, June 28 - 9:50pm
Pour le Rôle (The Audition) by Pierre Niney, 2013 / prod Mon Voisin Productions - 13’26”
François, a young actor, goes to a casting call that will prove surprising... Directed by actor Pierre Niney, seen in Romantics Anonymous (SFFF 2012) and starring in the upcoming Yves Saint Laurent biopic by Jalil Lespert.
Shown with Venus in Fur
Friday, June 27 - 8:15pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
Un chien de ma chienne (Payback is a Bitch) by Fabien Gorgeart, 2012 / prod Petit Film - 12'8"
Anna and Marie come to visit their very pregnant friend Joannie in the remote village where she has moved. Starring the darling Clotilde Hesme (The Grocer's Son - SFFF 2008 , Angèle & Tony - SFFF 2011, Three Worlds - SFFF 2013) and her two sisters, Elodie and Annelise.
Shown with Suzanne
Saturday, June 28 - 1pm & Sunday, June 29 - 5:50pm
5 Mètres 80 by Nicolas Deveaux, 2012 / prod Cube Creative Productions - 5’23” - ANIMATION
A herd of giraffes performs a series of acrobatic dives in a deserted swimming pool.
Shown with The Murderer Lives at Number 21
Saturday, June 28 - 3:15pm & Sunday, June 29 - 11:00am
Millionnaires (Millionaires) by Stéphane Bergmans, 2013 / Iota Productions - 16'
All her life, Christian and Ludo's mother played the same numbers in the lottery but never won a single penny. After her death, the two brothers decide to continue the family tradition...
Shown with Bright Days Ahead
Saturday, June 28 - 5:20pm & Sunday, June 29 - 1:00pm
Bang Bang ! by Julien Bisaro, 2014 / prod Caïmans Productions - 12' - ANIMATION
Today is the first day of hunting season, as well as Eda's 25th birthday. Her father is going hunting, while Eda has to go to town to help with her dad's real estate business.
Shown with Young & Beautiful
Saturday, June 28 - 7:35pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
A L’amiable (By Mutual Agreement) by Rémy Cayuela, 2014 / prod oriGine Films - 11’56”
Guillaume and Caroline are getting divorced. They decide to split their properties, including their young child, in a game of dice.
Shown with Inside
Saturday, June 28 - 11:45pm - ONE SCREENING ONLY!
Aïssa by Clément Tréhin-Lalanne, 2014 / prod Takami Productions - 8’15”
Aïssa is Congolese, residing illegally in France. She claims to be a minor, but the authorities believe she is over 18, which means she could be deported. In order to establish whether or not she can remain in the country, a doctor gives her a physical examination.
Shown with Chinese Puzzle
Sunday, June 29 - 3:15pm
37°4S by Adriano Valeribegmanso, 2013 / prod oriGine Films - 11’42” (in English)
On the small island of Tristan da Cunha live Nick and Anne, two teenagers who have been in love since their childhood. The day will soon come when Anne will leave the island to study in England, 6,152 miles away.
Shown with Turning Tide
Unifrance is an organization dedicated to promoting French cinema worldwide. Unifrance is involved at every stage in the life of a French film abroad, from its selection at a recognized film festival to its presentation at an international market, to its commercial release in one or more foreign countries. Visit the Unifrance international database